
Regular Hours, Summer 2024

Summer Hours: May 13 - July 26, 2024: Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm, Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm


Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources: 生产, 处理, 市场营销, 分布, 融资, and 发展 of agricultural commodities and resources including food, 纤维, 木材产品, 自然资源, 园艺, and other plant and animal products/resources.

Architecture and 建设s: Careers in 设计ing, 规划, 管理, building, and maintaining the built environment.

艺术, A/V 技术, and Communications: 设计, 生产, 表现出, 执行, 写作, and publishing 多媒体 content including visual and 执行 arts, 设计, 现在哪些app可以买球, and entertainment services.

业务, Management, and 政府: Careers encompass 规划, 组织, 导演, and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations. Career opportunities are available in every sector of the economy.

Education and Training: 规划, 管理, and providing education and training services, and related learning 支持服务.

财务: 规划, services for financial and investment 规划, 银行, 保险, and business financial 管理.

Government and Public 政府: Executing governmental functions to include governance, 国家安全, 外国服务, 规划, 收入, 税收, 监管, 管理, and administration at the local, 状态, 联邦层面.

健康科学: 规划, 管理, and providing therapeutic services, 诊断服务, 卫生信息学, 支持服务, and biotechnology research and 发展.

Hospitality and Tourism: Careers encompasses the 管理, 市场营销, and operations of restaurants and other food services, 住宿, 景点, 娱乐活动, and travel related services.

人类服务: Preparing individuals for employment in career pathways that relate to families and human needs.

Information 技术: 入门级, 技术, and professional careers related to the 设计, 发展, 支持, and 管理 of hardware, 软件, 多媒体, and systems integration services.

Law, Public 安全, Corrections, and Security: 规划, 管理, 并提供合法的, 公共安全, 保护服务, 国土安全, including professional and 技术 支持服务.

制造: 规划, 管理, and 执行 the 处理 of 材料 into intermediate or final products and related professional and 技术 支持 activities such as production 规划 and control, 维护, and manufacturing/process engineering.

Marketing, Sales, and Service: 规划, 管理, and 执行 市场营销 activities to reach organizational objectives.

Science, 技术, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM): 规划, 管理, and providing scientific research and professional and 技术 services science, including laboratory and testing services, and research and 发展 services.

运输, Distribution, and Logistics: 规划, 管理, 以及人员的流动, 材料, 公路运输货物, 管道, 空气, 铁路, and water and related professional and 技术 支持服务 such as transportation infrastructure 规划 and 管理, 物流服务, 移动设备, and facility 维护.


High School Career Connections

Work-Based Learning Coordinator

319-296-2329 ext.2022

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